Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly 




The tiger swallowtail butterfly is black and yellow. Its wing span is about 4.5-3.5 inches.


This butterfly does not live as long as you think. They only live for about one month. You might think that's a short time but to a butterfly that's a pretty long time. 


They live in green lands and forests. Usually in southern Ontario, Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New England, and Florida. Their habitat is beautiful.   


The tiger swallowtail  butterfly's first meal is its own egg shell. The tiger swallowtail eats paw paw leaves and they also sip liquid from flowers. They sip liquid with a long tongue.    


The life cycle of this butterfly has three steps in it. At first it is hard to believe but the butterfly starts out as a tiny white egg. The second stage is the larva.( another name for a caterpillar) This larva is quite small but fat. After a while the larva will crawl to a branch and make a chrysalis. In a few weeks an adult butterfly will emerge from its cocoon and fly.


The butterfly protects its self by giving off a nasty sent that will keep its enemies from eating it and those enemies will walk off hungry.     


Believe it or not this butterfly does not have a jaw. In fact they don't need one. They don't chew like we do.


The one weird thing about the butterfly is that its tongue rolls up when  their done using it.


The tiger swallowtail butterfly is not poisonous butterflies.

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