The Prairie Chicken 




Physical Features

The prairie chicken has yellow legs, brown feathers, bright yellow and orange throat sack, and brown bill.    Prairie chickens have a cream feathered crest and a short round tail.  It can get to 18 inches in full length. The prairie chicken can weigh up to 2 pounds. It's life span is up to 2 to 3 years.


Their habitat is in the Midwestern North America in grasslands, and coastal prairie.


Prairie chickens eat leaves, seeds, rose hips, and they really like grasshoppers.

Life Cycle

The life cycle is egg-chick-adult.  The prairie chickens eggs hatch in 25 days and when there born they have a big throat sack.

Interesting Facts 

 Did you know that prairie chickens perform dances when there scared. From a prairie chicken you can hear a cooing sound a mile away. There life is in the Midwestern North America, grass lands, coastal prairies.   
It's predators are the Red-tailed hawk, owls, skunks, coyotes, foxes, raccoons and snakes. They hide in really high grass.

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