The Painted Turtle
by Haley
The Painted Turtle's skin is bold gray, olive, black or brown.  The  top part of its shell is called the carapace and it  is black, olive, or brown with red markings along the edges.
The Painted Turtle has retractable legs and head.  It  has a large body covered with horny plates  called  scutes.  It has four webbed, clawed feet.
In the wild the Painted Turtle lives up to 5 or 10 years.  In captivity it lives up to 20 years.  Painted Turtles have red stripes on their neck and legs.
The bottom of the  Painted Turtle's shell is called a palastron.  It is red, black, and also yellow.   It has white stripes on its head. 
Painted turtles are found from the northern part of Mexico to the southern part of Canada and every where in between.
Painted Turtles live in ponds , lakes, marshes and slow moving rivers that have soft , muddy bottoms.
Painted Turtles eat meat and plants.  The young mostly eats meat.  Adults eat both animals including insects, snails, slugs, crayfish, eggs, mussels, tadpoles, frogs, fish eggs, small fish and dead animals that it finds. They also eat  plants including duck weed, algae and small lily pads. 
Painted Turtles spend most of its time on water.  They sun themselves laying on a log, rock, or the shore.  They are often seen in large groups. 
Turtles can't control the temperature of their bodies so they spend most of their time in the sun. They must wrap themselves up after a long swim or a chilly night.

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