My Trip to Ohio to Get My Dog







Dedicated to: my family



Newfane Elementary

April 11, 2002



My family took a trip to Norwalk, Ohio.  It took two days to get there when we drove.  We went to Ohio in 1999 on March 26.  My family was going to get a dog. It was a late birthday present for me.


On our way we ate dinner at Outback.  The food was delicious!!  I ordered steak.  My mom and dad ordered the same thing.  Then we got desert.    I got brown chocolate chip brownies with vanilla ice cream.  No body else got desert.


          We slept in a hotel in Ohio. When we got there I was SO exhausted!!  We saw a huge pool.  But guess what?  My mom forgot to pack our bathing suits. 


At night we watched a movie.  It was called “You’ve Got Mail”.  It was very long. The movie was so extremely long I could hardly keep my eyes open!  I was so tired I fell asleep right in the middle of the movie.


I had to wake up early.  I got dressed and we were on the road again.  On our way we stopped at Bob Evans to eat breakfast.  I got star spangled pancakes.  My mom got waffles.  My dad got burnt sausage.  Bob Evans was really busy.  I had orange juice for a drink.  After I ate I didn’t feel well.


We were on the road when I was thinking about the new dog we were going to get at the Dog Training Center. I was so excited but I was also sad because my other dog died. I could not wait to see my new German Shepard dog. 


On the way to the Dog Training Center I was working in my kindergarten workbook.  I was thinking even though I will have a new dog I still would feel awful that my other dog, Zeb died.   Then I saw something at last.  It was the Dog Training Center.  We were finally there!


When we got to the Dog Training Center the dogs were in cages.  I felt bad for the dogs.  We were looking for a German Shepard.  At first we saw a little dog.  It was a chocolate lab. Then there was a real big dog.  We went into the garage to see things that the trainers used to get the dogs to cooperate.


We saw almost all the dogs run across the field.

They had a huge field where dogs could run.  They even had little Chihuahuas run.  The Chihuahuas were so cute.  Then we saw Balto’s (my dog’s cousin) run. Balto’s cousin was pretty big.  We even saw a dog that was so big it looked like a horse!  My family and I saw a whole bunch of dogs! 


My family saw the ten dogs that had trainers to help them to do tricks.  They did so many tricks I couldn’t even believe it.  First the dogs ran around the whole field.  Then they sort of flipped in the air.  After the dogs flipped in the air they jumped to their trainers to get their rope.  It was exciting and entertaining.  After they did tricks they even got brown doggy treats.  The dogs did almost 15 different tricks. I was AMAZED! Their trainers taught them well.


After I saw this little puppy that was so very adorable I loved it.  It was a German Shepard.  It was a male.  He was black, brown and dark black.  He was so cute.  My mom said “Do you like it?”  I said “absolutely-I love it!”   “It’s so cute!”  My dad said if you really want it.  I said, “Yes please”?  Dad said, “It will be a lot of responsibility.”


 “ I’ll take care of it!” I said.  Okay we’ll get the dog said my mom and dad.  “YEAH!”  I shouted

Finally we had a dog.  He was just a tiny, sweet, brown and black dog.  I could not believe my parents let me have a dog!  I kept wondering if my mom and dad would let me name my dog.


           Next we tested how fast the dog could go.  He was very speedy!!  He’s a puppy that’s why he’s fast.  But probably when he’s older he’ll run like a shooting star.  We found out what kind of treats the dog liked.  The treats were very big for such a small dog.


Then my family and I got to see some dogs fight.  They were fighting over a strong rope. The dogs jumped higher every time.  Then the dogs went into a closed rug tied with tape. After we had to wait for one hour then two.  My legs started to ache and pain.

Even though the dogs were entertaining I was bored and exhausted.


 Finally we were going home with our dog.  We went through the state Pennsylvania.  It was so awesome.  My dog lay on my lap the whole way!  The dog got bathroom breaks.  After we took him for a walk.  It took another day to get home.  Finally we were home!!!


   My family was fighting over a name for the dog.  Dad wanted the name for the dog to be Tyco.  I wanted it to be Balto.  Mom agreed with ME!!  We named him Balto. After we were so tired we all plopped in our beds.  We fell right asleep from our long trip.