The Florida Panther By Shannon |
The life span of a
Florida Panther is 3-8 years. It grows to 2-6 ft. It can weigh about
70-200 lb. Their fur colors can be black, blue and pale gray. Their
physical features are very athletic. They are excellent jumpers, climbers
and swimmers.
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They live in rain forest,
grasslands and desserts of North and South America . | |
The Florida Panthers eat
deer, wild hogs, sheep, moose, elk, rabbits, hares and beavers. They are
carnivores. That means they eat meat.
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During their life cycle
they go through 4 stages. The first stage is the embryo. The second stage
is an infant. The third stage is a young animal. The forth stage is the
last stage is the adult
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The 10 interesting facts
about the Florida Panther: These animals are very athletic. Florida
Panthers are excellent jumpers, climbers and swimmers. They are solitary
animals. Florida Panthers are Florida's state animal. They are the most
endangered mammal. There are many great threats to these animals.
The greatest threat is loss of their habitat. Collisions with cars and
illegal shootings are other threats.
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