The House Cat



The adult house cat can grow to be 15 inches from head to tail. House cats have long tails except the Lynx. The Lynx the Lynx has no tail. They come in many colors such as white, tan, black, cream and brown. They can live to be 15 years old.
House cats live in either a house or the wild. The ones that live in the wild are strays.  Strays are animals without a home also known as wild cats.
House cats eat mice, birds and cat food. They are good hunters too.
The life cycle of a house cat is embryo, infant or baby, young animal, adult house cats.
House cats have whiskers above their eyes. In case they are blind the whiskers are so they can feel. To talk they purr and meow. They use their sharp claws to defend themselves  when they are in trouble.  But not all house cats have sharp claws.  They will if you don't have them clipped. They can have perky ears that stick up. You can see their ears turn to the side. They are really good climbers and like to play with people. A cat's bite is the worst bite. Most are very friendly and like to rub up against  you.

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