The Bull Snake
The Bull Snake is 5 to 8 feet long. It is cream colored with
black and brown markings. The lifespan is unknown. |
The Bull Snake's habitat is the sandy areas of North America. |
The Bull Snake's diet is mice, rabbits, gophers and the ground
squirrel. The Bull Snake is a carnivore. It
suffocates its prey. |
The Bull Snake starts off in an egg. Then the egg hatches
and a baby Bull Snake is born. The baby Bull Snake then
turns into an adult Bull Snake. |
There is 2,700 species of snakes. There is 600 venomous
species. They can have 100 to 400 vertebrae. Their
jaws open very wide. The predators of the Bull Snake are the
eagle and the hawk. They have powerful muscles and powerful
jaws. They have a small head. It is
sometimes mistaken for the rattlesnake.